Blue Conservation

As a child I was always the adventurous type. Trying out new things, wanting to see whether I can swing across a river like Tarzan, swimming in the river just to name a few of the mention-able escapades. Life in the village was full of new ideas, new things to try out and interesting toys to create out of clay harvested from the river. Those who had cattle growing up would tell you that there was the trough that was made by cutting the tire; preferably of the hind wheels of a tractor. Now this trough served two purposes. The main purpose was, as decided by us, part of our toys. The other purpose, which in the mind of adults was its main purpose, was to put the feeds and water for the cattle. For the sake of those of us wondering how this was a toy let me break it down for you. Two people could sit at the ends making it a see saw or you could simply wait for it to rain and water to fill up then it becomes a pool. I digress.

I remember, in this spirit of discovery, trying to put on a mask made from the plastic bread wrapper. You could create funny faces wearing the plastic cover and could create your own “balloon” for tossing around. All this was done without the knowledge of our parents because well, let us just say our parents were not approving of these games. The thing about the plastic was for the time it was in your head, you had to hold your breath until you perforate it to create breathing space. This was dangerous as the risk of suffocation was very high. So think about it. You are having this plastic bag over your head and suddenly you cannot breathe. Your lungs are on fire and you can almost hear the angels singing. Almost. Imagine crying out for help but your friends just look at you or worse still, they tighten the grip and you are shaking violently as life ebbs away. Too dark right?

Our Water is suffocating and with each passing day we tighten the noose even more. The rising sea levels, animals floating ashore having died from ingesting plastic, the climate change, tsunamis, rivers turned black because of industrial wastes are all signs of our Water shaking violently, crying out for help. But like the friends, we laugh it off and continue using plastic, continue disposing toxic wastes in the waters and with each passing day, we tighten the noose and suffocate the Water, along with every living organism in it.

Our Oceans and Inland waters are crying out for our help. For us to change what we are doing and how we are doing it if at all we intend to leave this earth for generations to come. Blue Conservation is the Go Blue Forum’s way of responding to this cry. We need to come up with sustainable solutions of conserving the marine environment and ensuring that future generations will also find the joy of learning how to swim in rivers, trying to swing across rivers without fearing the filth that is below them, attempt to make clay art because it is safe to harvest clay from the river even go on dates by the river without keeping off because of the toxic signs keeping them at bay. Join us as we fight to keep or Water alive and healthy.

This is The Go Blue Forum – Blue Conservation: Securing the Sustainable Blue Economy through Environment Conservation. Join Us today!


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